Make Money Through Facebook | HEIKALINE Creative

How long do you spend in Facebook? I think it's a very long time, according to some recent studies, where the average time allocated to surf Facebook 4 hours a day! Some people, especially on school holidays, may spend more than 10 hours per day ... a time that can be positively invested in collecting some money by making some videos on your Facebook page or profile, and indeed after testing the company and verifying its credibility to you Theme Today's episode on how to win money through Facebook.
ربح المال من خلال الفيسبوك

Ebuzing is a large advertising company that brings together a number of big and international companies, paying you for advertising videos or publishing articles. Website owners or Facebook pages can also publish video ads and collect revenue. Since today's theme is to collect money through Facebook, I will only explain the video on Facebook and make money.

Register and use the Ebuzzing website
First, go to Ebuzzing site, click on the word CREAT AN ACCOUNT Then the site will ask you in the first step to enter your information. In a second step, you will be prompted to enter your site or Facebook information. After registration, wait until you review your Facebook page or profile information on Facebook. Email you on the import tray, after activation the account is directed to the campagnes

For example, if the icon of Morocco is found, it means that the targeted visitors are the only Moroccans. This means that the video will not be counted only by the Moroccans. If the icon is French, it means that the people living in France They are the only ones who will calculate their views etc ... Second amount for each view and you will find the far right and the amount that you will collect for each view.
After selecting the offer click on it and click again on publicer in order to see the link below the subject which is the video link you will post on Facebook.

In order to choose and pay the paypal pay, go to mon compte to mon mode de payement and then type your email on the paypal to reach your money, where when you reach 50 euros then you can withdraw money

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