Has Apple increased $ 400 million to acquire Shazam? | HEIKALINE Creative

Has Apple increased $ 400 million to acquire Shazam?
آبل تطبيق شازام

Apple's application for the past few hours Apple's announcement of the acquisition of the application, "Shazam," specialized in the search for songs and audio and visual content by obtaining a sample; In Google, for example, the user needs to write the word search. In Shazam, however, the user offers part of the audio or video clip to take over the rest.

According to rumors, the deal could cost as much as $ 400 million, which some might see as high for an application that mainly provides voice recognition, and has been used primarily in Siri for a long time, making his inclusion of Apple an official one. In other words, it will not offer the new thing to Apple's various systems.

But that amount may be due and worth considering the application from all angles. "Shazam" began as an application to identify the names of the songs after listening to part of them, quickly supported the recognition of the data of sound recordings, serials and movies as well, without forgetting television programs, and is currently lacking only to recognize the mutter of the user to conclude that jump technology.

These features do not justify the amount paid so far. However, they have developed an application through the camera to scan some cards to display the default content on the phone screen, which transforms Shazam from an application to identify acoustics to an application in the world of camera and imaging, Where all technical companies are fighting.

On the other hand, as the application is specialized in the recognition of elements, the entry into the camera means the ability to see an application capable of identifying the contents of the image or the scene in front of the user through the camera, a feature recently added Google to its digital assistant through the so-called cameras, Feature not currently in Siri, Apple needs to add it soon.

In the case of an enhanced reality tool at the Shazam Labs, Apple will pay the amount without hesitation so as not to lag behind the rest of the digital assistance that has become an important factor when choosing smartphones. Thus, Shazam will add to Siri's ability to search using the image, after years of searching through voice and writing.

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