Integrating Adsense with Analytics to Optimize revenue | HEIKALINE Creative


Integrating Adsense with Analytics to Optimize revenue

Today, we’ll look at integrating Adsense with analytics to measure and optimize revenue. First, lets look at Adsense. Google Adsense is known among bloggers owing to the monetary benefits it provides them. If you have a website/blog with decent traffic then, Google Adsense is probably the best monetization option available among the many PPC programs. Factors such as blog’s primary focus or niche, placement of advertisements and traffic determine the earning capacity of your blog. In order to maximize the revenue from a website or blog, people usually try different ad locations/placements. They also experiment with different advertisement size, type and designs. But, how is it that some bloggers are bang on in their first try and others are not? And, the latter keep experimenting without driving much revenue?
Google Analytics is the answer to the aforesaid questions. It continuously monitors the blog’s performance and gives a wealth of information about the advertisements on your websites. This is indeed a strong support from Google to the bloggers/blog owners. You can track the “visitor clicks” on your Adsense advertisements using the Google Analytics report. Google Analytics provides you with a comprehensive report helping you to exactly measure Adsense performance on every page of your blog.
Benefits of integrating AdSense and Analytics
  • Improvement in your monthly earnings (we’ll see how this can be done below)
  • Insights into the most viewed posts, keywords and much more thus allowing you to concentrate on the popular and important keywords
  • Progress in health and quality of your blog domain (by providing you insights about your readers so that you can focus on improving their user experience)
  • Driving quality traffic to your website
Analytics is surely splendid to use and you ought to assimilate it with your Adsense account in order to drive quality traffic and greater more revenue.
Google Analytics Report for AdsenseBelow is the list of information that you’ll be able to track with the help of Google Analytics:
  • Source of incoming traffic through which the user clicked the advertisement.
  • Track the keywords that made users click on advertisements on your blog.
  • The number of times AdSense advertisements have been clicked, on any given web page.
  • Adsense revenue generated per page for the clicks.
  • Information about CTR and eCPM for all web pages.
  • Information about Top Adsense Referrers – revenue made per referring websites.
  • Information on Adsense Trending – lets you analyse how your site generates revenue during different times of the day and different days of the week.
  • Facility to compare how much your Adsense revenue is coming from new visitors versus existing ones.
The only requirement for integrating both Adsense and Analytics is that they should be on the same Google account. As Google says, the reason for integrating both your Adsense and analytics account is to help you improve advertisement performance and user experience.
Now to improve your website revenue, you can:
  • Optimize content by identifying the right traffic sources, links, location, webpages, etc. that brings forth the best users to your site (in terms of revenue generation).
  • Improve user experience by seeing which pages your users are spending time on, which pages drive them away, how you can reduce bounce rates and where they are going when they leave. Understanding where your visitors’ attention is focused will also help you to place your ads where users are most likely to look at them.
  • Grow revenue by implementing changes based on how earnings are affected by aspects of user behaviour such as visit frequency and page depth.
  • Test different changes on a smaller section before incorporating them website-wide.
How to integrate your Adsense account with Google Analytics
Follow the below steps to link your Adsense account with Analytics. 48 hours is the minimum required time to populate the right data in your analytics report. The only prerequisite to executing the below steps is, as already mentioned, that both the Analytics and Adsense account should be of the same Google Account.
  • On the Home tab, visit the Account Settings page
  • Click Edit in the Access and Authorisation section. It appears next to Google Analytics integration, “click edit.”
  • Now, open “Google Analytics Integration” page; Click on Link next to the Analytics account that you want to link with your Adsense account.
  • In your Analytics account, click on Link Accounts
  • A dialog box appears; put in the details of your primary Analytics profile and click continue.
Your Adsense and Analytics accounts are now linked. Primary and secondary analytics properties are listed under the Adsense tab. For secondary profile, you have to manually link the Analytics and Adsense accounts. It will not automatically combine. If the secondary profile is not enabled for Adsense, You need to follow the below steps for linking multiple profiles in your Google Account.
  • Sign into the Google Analytics account that you’ve already linked to Adsense
  • Click the Admin tab at the top right of Analytics page
  • Click Accounts List if you are not already on the “Account Administration” screen
  • Click the name of your account
  • Click the Data Sources tab
  • Click the Adsense tab
  • In this tab, you will find a list of primary and secondary Analytics profiles that are listed under Google Analytics
  • Click open the down arrow button next to your website link under “Usage in Analytics”
  • Now select the profile you want to link. Next to it, a link called “Code Snippet” shall be present. Clicking on it produces the following pop-up.
  • Add the code snippet to the top of every webpage that has Adsense advertisements.
  • Click on Save Changes at the bottom
This link up helps in creating Analytics report for your secondary profile under Content tab on the left pane. Similarly, you can enable integration for multiple profiles.
You have to keep a check whether any Adsense data is being produced in the analytics account after 48 hours of integration. If not, then probably you should check the following to fix your issues.
  • Linking Adsense account with the right Analytics account.
  • Placing Analytics code on all the webpages which contains Adsense advertisements.
  • Avoid calling a local cached copy of the Analytics code.
Google Support Forum is the place where you can mention your issues to get them resolved. Analytics is sure to help you in a positive way and who knows, you might become the King of Online Ads!

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