$376 Profit per Month Up Front from New Email Newsletter Subscribers | HEIKALINE Creative

Email Report Landing Page Adsense Earnings 30 Days
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One thing I spend quite a bit of time thinking about and testing is getting more page views on my niche site.  Page views equal revenue.
I actually incorporate increasing page views as a significant part of my email marketing strategy.  I send email readers to my blog over and over and over.
However, I start the process sooner than that.  In fact, I get email subscribers to another ad-supported page as soon as they sign up.

Typical Email Incentive Process

The typical email incentive process is delivering the free report in the form of a PDF.  This is cool.  I actually do this on this blog.
However, I take a different approach with my niche blogs.

My method for immediate profit

Instead of putting my freebie report in the form of a PDF, I publish it as a blog post with ads.  As soon as someone signs up to my email newsletter seeking whatever free report I’m offering, they’re redirected to the blog post that is the free report.
That post has ads.  Those ads make money… quite a bit of money.  In fact, from October 13, 2014 to November 12, 2014 (30 days), that one blog post earned me $376.50 (see the screenshot above).
If I used a PDF, I’d earn $376 less per month.
FYI – this isn’t the only way I monetize my email newsletter.  Once subscribed, I send emails with new posts so that I’m constantly generating free traffic to my blog.  My fast-growing email newsletter is one of many traffic sources.  I also occasionally promote a product and giveaways.
Why not put ads on a report download/thank you page?
This is potentially against Adsense TOS.  Adsense specifically prohibits ads on “Thank You” pages.  Whether a report download page is the same is debatable.  Frankly, I prefer avoiding debate with Adsense.  My solution is simple.  I place the entire report as an extensive blog post with ads.  The content is excellent so Adsense is perfectly fine with ads on that URL.

How do you redirect email subscribers directly to a URL?

I use LeadPages for all my sign up forms.  LeadPages offers a field in which you can place a link to direct new subscribers to immediately upon signing up.
However, if you don’t use LeadPages, and assuming you use AWeber, you can do the same in AWeber as follows:
After you’ve designed your AWeber form, you go to the form settings page.
AWeber Custom Thank You Page URL
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Why don’t I do this for FAT Stacks?

Because I’m not monetizing with ads, so the traditional downloadable PDF works just fine.

Why don’t I promote products as an affiliate or CPA offers on the after email sign up post?

I would if they performed better than display ads.  It’s not that I’m biased toward display ads; it’s just that I use what works the best.  And that’s the point of this article… think about how you can monetize every aspect of your website.

It adds up over time…

Email Newsletter Growth Rate
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Many of these subscribers end up on the post email sign up page (not all, because I have a sign up form which is the old standby “join our newsletter” variety.  FYI, the incentive based form performs much better).

How did I build an email newsletter so quickly with a new blog?

I’m not sure it’s all that quick, but it’s not bad given all subscribers sign up from the blog or Facebook page.  In other words, I don’t do ad-swaps or send traffic directly to squeeze pages.

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