How Google Adsense Pays Publishers And How to Earn 100$ a Day | HEIKALINE Creative

Have you ever been disturbed psychologically on how Google Adsense pays it’s client if then this is the best article that will give useful information on how Adsense pays, setup payment and receive payment.
Remotely earning money from the comfort of your house is no more an imagination. All you need to do is create an attractive website and turn this into your money making machine using AdSense but have you ever wonder how Google adsense pay? How much money you can generate through AdSense?  How much does Adsense pay for 1000 views? and Ways to receive Google Adsense revenue? These questions are cover below!.

How Google Adsense Pays?

  • Cost per Click (CPC)
  • Cost Per Impression (CPM)
  • Active view CPM
  • Cost per engagement  (CPE)

Cost per Click (CPC)
Zontha adsense top ad units earners
Asian country has quite low CPC. Rank according to earnings.
This is the first type of bidding that google ads use to pay. During cost per click bidding, those who advertise quote the maximum price that they are willing to pay for each and everyone clicks on their AdSense ads. They use this method if they intend to bring more visitors to their website.
Cost per click always depends on the amount the advertisers and the amount they are ready to pay for their advertisement.
When you click the tab in the performance reports of your ads account, you will be in a position to how much you have earned through CPC. It will set the bid type automatically after filtering to Cost Per click and directly apply it to the visitor data.

Cost Per Impression (CPM)
Cost Per Impression (Cpm)
In this type of bidding, the maximum price for the 1000 impressions is stated. Here visitors do not click on the AdSense in order to earn money. The AdSense content is technically loaded by visitors on their site.
Cost per impression it is used by advertisers if their main aim is to get their name in front of many people .
When you view your performance report, you will be in a position to see the amount the site earn through CPM bidding. The tab always automatically set the bid types that are filtered by Cost Per Impression.

Active view CPM
Our Active view CPM report
In this type of bidding, active views are the percentage of the impressions that can be seen. If Active view CPM is used by the advertisers, they will pay only for the impressions that can be viewed and leaving those that cannot be viewed.
This method of bidding is considered active when the least fifty percent of the ad can be seen within the browser for all visitors and also when the ad was visible for more than one second.
If you want to see the amount you have earned through this method, choose the tab active view as it will set the bid types to filter automatically in order to active view CPM.

Cost per engagement  (CPE) 
Cost per engagement  (CPE) 
Cost-per-engagement (CPE) bidding, also referred to as engagement-based pricing, is an internet advertising model where advertisers only pay when users actively engage with ads. Example, starting a video ad or email sign-up.

Ways to receive Google Adsense revenue

So how do you receive payment from Google Adsense, you ask? Well, first of all you have to set up your mode of payment.
This is done by signing in to your Adsense account.
adsense_sign_up first step
You will see a navigation panel on the left side of your screen. Click on Payments followed by Manage Payment Methods
adsense payment dashboard
and then by Add Payment Method. In this section you will the enter your account information (bank account information). Finally, you can save.
Add payment method
Payment method option:
  • Western Union
  • Through Check
  • Wire transfer

Western Union
Receive money through Western union
Western Union is one of the easiest way to receive money from Google Adsense. Google always issue payment that people have to get every twenty first of each month along with control number. The money is always ready for withdrawal a day depending on the payment option you have taken.
What to bring for payout?
  • Control number
  • Government ID’s
  • Sender’s name

Through Check (Cheque)
Receive adsense revenue through check
Your earnings will be conveyed into (County currency) and then make the payment. They always use United States of America dollars to Country currency rate. The only problem is that their check takes time to reach respected Country that person to be paid stays.

Wire transfer
Receive adsense revenue through Wire transfer
This is an electronic method that AdSense also uses to make payment. The system is set in a way that the money you will receive directly in your bank account once payment is done. This the fastest and the most secure payment methods that AdSense users. You will be required to fill your details and bank information prior to the payments.

Google Adsense payment FAQ

Google Adsense FAQ
A very common question that most people carrying out online businesses are faced with is, how do I receive payment from Google Adsense to my Paypal account? Well, for starters, Google Adsense is an advertising program run by Google where website owners can display advertisements and earn money from them when visitors click or view the ads. So, to our burning question:

Can Adsense Pay Through Paypal? 
Can I Receive Payment from Google Adsense to my Paypal?
The short answer is NO. Google Adsense does not pay through Paypal. The method of payment varies from country to country.
Can Google Adsense Pay Through Paypal
Even though this is the case, it is only restricted to Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), done through bank wire and Western Union.

Why Adsense don’t Pay by Paypal?
The Adsense Paypal relationship is complicated. It is not clear why Adsense do not pay by Paypal.
Why Google Adsense don't Pay by Paypal
There are various speculations on the Internet as to the reason behind this but no official explanation has been provided by Google. Perhaps it has something to do with Paypal being affiliated to Yahoo, which is a Google competitor.

What is Adsense Payment Threshold?
The definition of a payment threshold is, the minimum amount you require to gather or collect in a row before you get paid. It is the minimum garnered amount of commission that you earn in order to initiate payment. For the case of Google Adsense, $100 is the minimum payment threshold.
Adsense Payment Threshold

What Can I Do If I Don’t Receive My Payment?
If you happen not to receive your payment, then contact the Adsense Help desk and inform them. If fifteen business days will have passed without you receiving your payment, then Adsense will contact your bank. They will then work together with your bank and locate your payment. This process may take up to three weeks.
 I Don't Receive My Payment?

Google Adsense payment date 
The minimum threshold for Adsense payment is $100. Once you reach this threshold, your payments for that month will be processed on the following month and will be released into your bank account between the 21st and the 26th of that month depending on your time zone.
Adsense payment date 

How much money you can generate through AdSense?
818$ on google adsense
You must be getting eager to know how much money AdSense can pay you through this venture.
How Much Does Adsense pay? is the most frequently asked question these days. Actually, the amount of earning is variable and dependent upon several factors. Put it simple, some of the most general factors are as follows.
Your website is attracting how much traffic?
Google displays what type of Ads on your website?
How much the advertiser is going to pay you for PPC (pay per click? 
If you are too overwhelmed after listening to success stories of people earning big amount of money, don’t get mistaken because not anybody can do that! In fact, earning through Google AdSense demands patience and continuity. You can generate as much money as you desire but this requires effort, skill and hard work.

How to earn 100$ a day in Google Adsense
Knowing your CTR will help you set your aims about earning a certain amount using AdSense, for instance if you want to earn 100$ a day. CTR is known as Click through Rate of your Ad. It is calculated by dividing the number of clicks of ad by the number of individual Ad impressions.
Now, if you are aiming to generate 100$ per day, you must have approx. 25,000 page views in a day. Whereas your Page CTR should be 2% for a number of 500 clicks having a CPC (cost per click) of 0.20$.
For 1,000 page views our average ctr is 5%. Increasing Ctr help you double or triple your earnings. Here’s how Best ways to Increase Adsense Ctr by 204% & Boost Adsense Revenue.
Increase your ctr to 5.27%
To attract 25,000 page views in a single day, you must consider the content of your website. Putting up about 500 best quality articles in a day would attract traffic to your website. Your website pages should be capable of drawing at-least 50 page views per day.
Now let’s see what type of content or articles you have to put up on website to grab the more and more traffic. There is no limitation of word count, a well written 300 word article can work for you perfectly with quality.

How much does Adsense pay for 1000 views?
Answering this question depends upon some calculations. This further depends upon the niche of your website. If your website targets the niches like online money making, real estate and health and fitness, it’s guaranteed you will be earning good bucks.
According to our survey, a website based on the health and fitness niche earns 4.2$ average for 1000 visitors everyday through Google AdSense. Read also Best Google Adsense Topics: Naturally Born High in Ad CTR Keywords.
As you can see we earn $4.08 for 994 page views. Our page RPM is $4.10 which means for every 1000 page view we earn $4.10. If we want to make $100 a day we need  25,000 pageviews / day to make $100 a day.
We earned $4.08 for 1000 pageviews
The photo taken in first quarter of 2017.
To increase page RPM you need to optimize the following factors; Ad placementCTRCPCad sizestraffic qualitycountrykeywordsand content quality. Having a proper understanding and determination will get you a long way ahead.

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